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People We Meet on Vacation: Buddy Read Version

This buddy read group consisted of nine other people on Instagram. This discussion was so interactive and insightful on other readers' opinions. Majority of this group felt the same, especially about the big reveal that was supposed to be shocking but ultimately was not. That was definitely the disappointment of the book we all agreed on. However, we all did enjoy reading this rom-com and just wished the layout of the book could have been done a tad differently. Having these book discussions is so fun and it gives us readers' a chance to understand a different approach to the book as a whole.

Buddy read dates: June 12th- June 26th, 2021

Why I chose this book: It was trending on TikTok/Instagram and it was the second rom-com I wanted to read!

I would recommend it to: Readers who enjoy rom-com books or readers who are looking to give this genre a chance.

*A full in-depth review is featured on the home page!*


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