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Dream Catchers by Sandy Lo Book Review

The Break-Down:

Haley Foster never believed in herself to follow her dreams and find her identity. Coming from a wealthy family, she is used to getting everything she has and never questioned what she actually wants. Her future is already planned and supporting her parents wishes in the world she grew up in is the only thing Haley knows for certain. Despite her parents giving her everything in life, the one privilege Haley realized she needed the most is freedom. As fate has it, the universe provides the clarity she needs when she meets Jordan Walsh.

Jordan is the complete opposite of Haley. He is a carefree person living his dream as a lead singer/guitar player for the popular rock band, Tortured. When Haley literally bumps into Jordan, she is unimpressed by his rude behavior and rock star attitude, and yet, she is weirdly attracted to him. Tensions rise while traveling on the same bus that leads to Jordan and Haley stranded together with no phone and money.

Adjusting to this situation becomes quite an adventure for Haley. With no way of getting home, Jordan dares Haley to run away from her rich life and escape with him to New York City even though they cannot stand each other. She never turns down a challenge and the attraction is still there. This experience allows Haley to discover her identity and dreams she thought were non-existent. Haley is now torn between going back to a life she is already familiar with or explore that freedom and go after her dreams.


About the Book:

Dream Catchers is part one in this rockstar romcom series and this is actually a reboot with a brand new, gorgeous cover! There are seven books in total that I cannot wait to continue reading!

This book is told from Haley's perspective and I admire the different themes it explores besides romance, such as chasing your dreams and self-discovery. Lo's writing is simple and artistic, easy for the reader to follow and visualize. I highlighted my favorite lines while reading. Here is one:

"Isn't it funny how you can relate a song to any moment in your life? Sometimes it doesn't even have anything to really do with the situation you're in, but somehow, you'll make those lyrics fit you. I guess it makes you feel you're not alone and things will somehow have a happy ending."

-Sandy Lo, Dream Catchers



One thing I truly admired from the entirety of this book is Haley's struggle with anxiety. Her character deals with claustrophobia and insomnia and I appreciate how relatable this sensitive topic is. I valued Haley more when Lo described her character's thoughts and emotions. I felt bad for Haley when she was naive about decsions she needed to make for herself and couldn't do so because of the life back at home she wanted to protect. She eventually grows on you as her self-discovery is a slow but beautiful process. As for Jordan, he is the one person everyone needs in their lives, the one who pushes you to do what you want and takes chances by living on the edge. He is the epitome of a rockstar. When no one is watching, Jordan is a reassuring and sensitive character who has his own troubles. Together, Haley and Jordan balance each other out and learn from one another.

I enjoyed reading this rockstar extravaganza! If you're looking to start a new romcom series, I recommend this one!

Rating: 5/5 stars

Enjoy and Happy Reading!


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