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Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover Book Review

Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover, her newest novel that became popular so quickly! This romance novel is about Kenna, a woman who just left prison after serving 5 years due to a tragic accident. While in prison, Kenna gave birth to a daughter, Diem. Stricken of her rights, Diem was taken away immediately, causing the mother and daughter to never meet. Since Kenna finished her sentence, she is determined to reunite with her daughter for the very first time. On this journey, she meets Ledger Ward, a local bar owner and a link to Kenna's daughter. Kenna and Ledger form a connection despite the challenges they encounter together, and a story about motherhood, respect, and love is written beautifully.


When this book became available to pre-order, I logged onto my local bookstore's website and had to buy it! I love this author and wanted to read her newest book immediately and I am so happy I did! This. Book. I absolutely loved it! I have heard some opinions of the beginning being a bit slow, but in my opinion, I disagree. The first thirty pages hooked me quickly! It gave me so many emotions and I got a little teary-eyed towards the end. Although this book involved romance and some steamy scenes, I think there are more important themes that were covered; strength, respect, and most importantly, motherhood for example. This is a touching story about a mother reuniting with her daughter for the very first time. After the tragic accident that happened with Kenna, despite her fears and sadness, I empathized with her and her acts of courage. I also admired Ledger and the instant connection these characters had with each other. I believe he truly cares for Kenna and of course, her daughter too.

Something I took away from reading this story is that no one knows anything a person may have gone through or is currently dealing with. A person cannot understand another person's side of the story without learning it first and realizing any misunderstandings that were judged and assumed at first.

"As soon as he gives his attention to someone at the other end of the bar, I take a drink of my coffee and close my eyes and cry because life can be so fucking cruel and hard, and I've wanted to quit living it so many times, but then moments like these remind me that happiness isn't some permanent thing we're all trying to achieve in life, it's merely a thing that shows up every now and then, sometimes in tiny doses that are just substantial enough to keep us going."

- Colleen Hoover, Reminders of Him

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and as always, I love Hoover's raw and honest writing. She displays authentic human emotions through each page that just captures my heart quickly! I also enjoy the alternating chapters told from Kenna and Ledger's perspective and this is such an easy story to read. I highly recommend it!

Rating: 5 stars

Enjoy and happy reading!


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