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The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune Book Review

Book Summary

A heart-warming fantasy about being true to yourself, love, family, and magic. The main character, Linus Baker, likes to follow the rules and is a dedicated hard worker. He is a caseworker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, DICOMY for short. Outside of work, he is a forty-year-old who lives with his cat and a record collection of classic singers that are timeless, holding a special place in his heart. One might say he enjoys his space and time to himself. His day-to-day routine is quite simple; take care of his cat, leave for work, and be attentive to the details and rules of his job duties. Until one day, he is asked to speak with the Extremely Upper Management, also known as the big chain of command. He is given an interesting assignment - to travel to an orphanage located on top of a far island and to observe if the peculiar children are a dangerous and potential threat, given their unique, magical characteristics. Upon his arrival at the orphanage, he meets Arthur Parnassus, the master of the orphanage. During Linus's stay, he grows closer to the children and Arthur, learning that family can be found anywhere, especially. those who make you feel right at home.

Book Review

This book touched my heart. The writing is extremely beautiful and I did not want the story and alluring writing to end. I am not a reader who annotates books, but this one might have convinced me to start. I saved so many quotes on my phone because I fell in love with them. Klune's writing is delicate, emotional, and honest. It's not your typical fantasy read where things can appear confusing or too much to keep up with, which is why I can't get into fantasy. I am not a big fantasy fan at all, but the emotional aspect of the story made me forget it is a fantasy genre. I was so invested in Klune's writing, it's what kept me reading. I laughed and chuckled in between; it gave me more perspective on the subject of humanity, leaving me thinking and agreeing with each statement being said- it's a sentimental story. It focuses on what matters the most, which is your family, and loved ones, and that there is more to life than just simply following your day-to-day routine. It's important to take moments for yourself outside of your work, and although having a great work ethic is a positive quality, you cannot let it consume you.

The setting of the story in an orphanage reminded me of Lemony Snicket and The Umbrella Academy as far as the fantasy elements with powers, magic, and children being different.

"The thing we fear the most are often the things we should fear the least. It's irrational but it's what makes us human. And if we were able to conquer those fears, then there is nothing we're not capable of."

- TJ Klune, The House in the Cerulean Sea

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy or is hesitant about reading this genre. I promise it does not read like your traditional fantasy, it is so much more. It also incorporates the LGBTQ+ community in the most delicate way I've ever read in a book. I can read this book again and hug it super tight, close to my chest. It just gives me all warm feelings. Safe to say, I am in love with this book and I am beyond happy I gave this book a chance! I already bought the author's other book, Under the Whispering Door, which I cannot wait to get to soon, and now I have a new favorite author to add to my bookshelf collection!

Rating: 5 stars



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